
【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-7-12)

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转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年7月12日外交部发言人林剑主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2024​​总台央视记者:7月11日,美国、欧盟等方面发表声明,宣称支持南海仲裁案所谓裁决,攻击中方在南海的立场主张。请问中方对此有何评论?CCTV: In the statements released on July 11, the US and the EU announced their support for the so-called arbitral award on the South China Sea and attacked China’s positions and propositions. What’s China’s comment?林剑:中方注意到美国、欧盟方面发表的声明,在此阐明以下立场:Lin Jian: China noted the statements by the US and the EU. Let me make the following points:一、美国为一已之私,拒绝加入《联合国海洋法公约》,却以国际法教师爷姿态对他国落实《公约》情况品头论足,指手画脚,充分暴露其以双重标准选择性适用国际法的虚伪嘴脸。First, the US selfishly refuses to accede to UNCLOS, and yet often lectures other countries on their implementation of UNCLOS. This is hypocrisy, double standard and selective application of international law.二、美国、欧盟等罔顾南海问题的历史经纬和客观事实,违反《联合国宪章》,曲解包括《公约》在内的国际法,其立场主张是完全站不住脚的。Second, the US and the EU disregard the history and facts on the South China Sea issue, act against the UN Charter, and misinterpret UNCLOS and other international law. Their position and proposition do not hold water.三、美国违背其在南海主权问题上不持立场的公开承诺,怂恿菲律宾提起南海仲裁案,并公然发表声明为仲裁站台背书,完全是政治操弄,旨在利用盟国、搞乱南海、搅乱地区,实现其打压中国的险恶目的。Third, the US has gone back on its public commitments of not taking a position on sovereignty issues in the South China Sea. It encouraged the Philippines to launch the arbitration on the South China Sea, and blatantly released a statement to endorse the award. This is political manipulation aimed at using allies to destabilize the South China Sea and the region and advance the nefarious agenda of going after China.我想强调的是,在中国和东盟国家共同努力下,当前南海局势保持总体稳定。中国将与东盟国家一道,继续致力于维护南海和平稳定,推动本地区繁荣发展。我们敦促以美国为首的域外国家切实尊重地区国家维护本地区和平稳定的努力,停止采取不利于本地区和平稳定的言行,停止做南海和平稳定的麻烦制造者。Let me stress that with the concerted efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the South China Sea has been generally stable. China will work with ASEAN countries to keep the South China Sea peaceful and stable, and contribute to regional prosperity and development. We urge countries outside the region led by the US to earnestly respect these efforts, refrain from statements and actions that disrupt regional peace and stability, and stop being a trouble maker in the South China Sea.中阿卫视记者:过去24小时以军在加沙地带开展的军事行动共导致50人死亡,54人受伤。9个月以来以色列不断轰炸加沙,导致加沙没有安全之处,死亡人数更是超过3.8万人。请问中方对此有何评论?China-Arab TV: Israel’s military operation in Gaza over the last 24 hours killed 50 and injured 54 people. Over the past nine months, due to Israel’s continuous bombing, there is no safe place in Gaza and more than 38,000 people were killed. What’s your comment?林剑:中方反对和谴责一切伤害平民、违反国际法的行为。当前加沙地区局势不可持续,当务之急是全面、有效执行联合国安理会有关决议,立即实现停火,切实保护平民,确保人道救援,尽快释放被扣押人员。我们敦促以色列方面认真倾听国际社会呼声,尽快停止军事行动,全力避免无辜平民伤亡。Lin Jian: China opposes and condemns all acts that harm civilians and violate international law. The current situation in the Gaza Strip is unsustainable and the most urgent priority is to fully and effectively implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, achieve an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, ensure access to humanitarian assistance and realize the early release of all those held captive. We urge Israel to heed the call of the international community, stop its military actions as soon as possible, and do everything possible to avoid innocent civilian casualties.​新华社记者:11日,北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格在北约峰会闭幕新闻发布会上再次强调,北约把中国定义为俄罗斯对乌克兰战争的“决定性支持者”,称中国同白俄罗斯举行联合军演系共同支持俄对乌战争的组成部分。他还说,中国在香港、南海采取更加强硬的行为,威胁台湾和邻国。中国正不透明进行大规模军事建设,在现代导弹和核武器方面投入巨资。中方对此有何回应?Xinhua News Agency: On July 11, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized again at the closing press conference of the NATO Summit that China has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine. He said that China’s joint military exercise with Belarus fits into the pattern of working together in supporting Russia’s war on Ukraine. He added that China is taking more assertive behaviors in Hong Kong and the South China Sea and, threatening Taiwan and threatening neighbors. China is conducting a huge military build-up with no transparency and investing heavily in new modern missiles and nuclear weapons. How does China respond to these remarks?林剑:中方强烈谴责北约秘书长针对中国发表极不负责任的挑衅性言论。有关言论充斥冷战思维和意识形态偏见,颠倒黑白,恶毒攻击中国制度,公然干涉中国内政,恶意歪曲中国的内外政策,在乌克兰问题上甩锅推责、误导国际社会,对中国正常的军力建设以及同有关国家的关系说三道四。中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。Lin Jian: China strongly condemns the irresponsible and provocative remarks made by the NATO Secretary General against China, which are steeped in Cold War mentality and ideological bias, and consist of baseless accusations. In his remarks, the NATO Secretary General attacked China’s system, blatantly interfered in China’s internal affairs, and distorted China’s domestic and diplomatic policies. He sought to shift blames and mislead the international community on Ukraine and pointed fingers at China’s normal military development and relations with relevant countries. We strongly deplore and firmly oppose it. 中方此前已就乌克兰问题和北约峰会清晰地表达了立场。在此要强调指出,长期以来,北约秘书长罔顾事实和中方反复交涉,一而再再而三利用各种场合对中国大肆抹黑攻击,渲染“中国威胁论”,煽动疑华反华情绪,配合某些势力对华打压遏制的企图昭然若揭。种种拙劣表演不能不引起世人警惕,也充分印证了北约作为冷战遗存、阵营对抗和集团政治产物,将给世界和平与稳定带来何种风险与挑战。China has already made its position clear on the Ukraine issue and the NATO Summit. I would like to emphasize that, for a long time, the NATO Secretary General, in disregard of the facts and China’s protests, repeatedly smeared and hurled attacks at China. He has been playing up the “China threat” narrative and inciting suspicion about China and anti-China sentiments in an apparent attempt to cooperate with certain parties to suppress and contain China. These clumsy stunts have sounded the alarm for many in the world and remind people what risks and challenges NATO, as a vestige of the Cold War and a product of bloc confrontation and bloc politics, will bring to world peace and stability. 中方奉劝某些在政治生涯上行将就木的西方政客,不要妄图靠拱火浇油、挑衅生事和嫁祸于人来强行留下些许“遗产”。中国将坚定走和平发展道路,以自身发展和对外合作为世界和平稳定注入更多稳定性和正能量,同时坚定维护自身主权、安全和发展利益。将中国树为“假想敌”,北约最终只能自食苦果。China urges certain Western politician, whose political life is approaching an end, not to fan the flames, make provocations, and shift blames for the sake of trying to leave behind some kind of legacy. China will stick to the path of peaceful development and inject more stability and positive energy into world peace and stability through its own development and international cooperation. China will also firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests. To see China as NATO’s imaginary enemy will only backfire on NATO itself.中新社记者:日前,美国众议长约翰逊在美智库哈德逊研究所活动上宣称,中国是美“单一最大威胁”,将在本届国会剩余会期内“动用一切手段对抗中国”。众院将在年底前推进一揽子涉华法案,包括制裁向俄罗斯及伊朗提供物质支持的中国军工企业、限制美对华投资和有关美中经贸合作等。请问中方对此有何评论?China News Service: In a recent speech at the Hudson Institute, US House Speaker Mike Johnson said “Beijing is our number-one foreign threat” and Congress will counter China “with every tool at its disposal” before House members stand for re-election. House of Representatives will have the package of China-related legislation signed into law by the end of this year, including those to sanction Chinese military firms that provide material support to Russia and Iran and to restrict US investments in China and China-US trade. What’s China’s comment?林剑:美方的言论罔顾事实,大肆渲染“中国威胁”,充斥着冷战思维和意识形态偏见,实质上是为转移国内矛盾、加大对华遏制打压寻找借口。中方对此坚决反对。Lin Jian: These comments are a deliberate mischaracterization of facts, a repetition of the false narrative of “China threat” and filled with Cold War thinking and ideological bias. They are meant to find ways to divert attention from domestic issues and further aim at and contain China. China firmly opposes it.中国有权同各国开展正常的经贸合作,一贯坚决反对缺乏国际法依据、未经安理会授权的单边制裁和“长臂管辖”。我们要求美方摒弃零和博弈执念,停止采取损害中国利益的言行。中方将采取坚决有力措施,坚定捍卫自身主权安全发展利益。China has the right to normal trade and economic cooperation with other countries, and opposes unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction that lack basis in international law and UN Security Council mandate. We ask the US to get rid of the zero-sum approach, and refrain from remarks and moves that harm China’s interests. China will take resolute measures to firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests.​香港中评社记者:据报道,日本内阁会议今天通过2024年版《防卫白皮书》,强调日本面对二战以来最严峻的安保环境,中国的军事活动日益活跃,朝鲜实质性提升核导能力,中俄联合巡航是日方防卫政策中重大关切事项,日本必须强化对弹道导弹等防区外武器的防卫能力。白皮书还提到台湾海峡紧张局势存在升级可能。请问中方对此有何评论?China Review News: It’s reported that the Defense of Japan 2024 white paper adopted at Japan’s Cabinet meeting today stressed that Japan finds itself in the most severe security environment of the post-war era. According to the white paper, China has been intensifying its military activities, North Korea has been advancing its nuclear and missile development, and Russia has been observed engaging in joint patrols with China—those are Japan’s great concerns in its defense policy, and Japan must enhance its defense capability against ballistic missiles and other standoff weapons. The white paper also mentions the possibility of an escalation of tensions in the Taiwan Strait. What’s China’s comment?林剑:日本新版《防卫白皮书》粗暴干涉中国内政,老调重弹炒作所谓“中国威胁”,渲染地区局势紧张。中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。Lin Jian: The Defense of Japan 2024 white paper gravely interferes in China’s internal affairs, again seeks to play up the “China threat” narrative, and hypes up regional tensions. We deplore and reject this.中国坚持走和平发展道路,奉行防御性国防政策,有关国防建设和军事活动正当合理,同其他国家开展联合巡航符合国际法和国际惯例。台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。近年台海局势紧张的根本原因,是“台独”分裂分子在外部势力纵容支持下不择手段推行分裂活动。日本曾对台湾进行侵略和殖民统治,对中国人民负有严重历史罪责,没有资格在台湾问题上说三道四。China is committed to the path of peaceful development and a defense policy that is defensive in nature. China’s defense development and military activities are legitimate and justified. Our joint patrols with other countries are consistent with international law and customary international practice. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair that brooks no external interference. In recent years, the root cause of the cross-Strait tensions has been “Taiwan independence” separatists’ reckless activities emboldened and supported by external forces. Japan invaded and exercised colonial rule over Taiwan and bears serious historical responsibilities for the suffering it imposed on the Chinese people. Japan is in no position to point its fingers on the Taiwan question.由于近代日本军国主义对外侵略历史,日本的军事安全动向一直受到亚洲邻国和国际社会高度关注。近年日方大幅调整防卫政策,连年增加防卫预算,不断放宽武器出口限制,谋求突破性军力发展,引发外界强烈担忧。我们敦促日方深刻反省历史罪责,坚持走和平发展道路,停止为自身强军扩武寻找借口,以实际行动取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。Given Japan’s history of militarist aggression during the last century, Japan’s military and security moves have been closely watched by its Asian neighbors and the international community. In recent years, Japan has been drastically readjusting defense policy, increasing defense spending annually, easing restrictions of weapon exports, and seeking military breakthrough. It has triggered strong concerns from the world. We urge Japan to deeply reflect on its history of aggression, champion peaceful development, stop finding pretexts for its own military buildup, and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the wider international community through concrete actions.深圳卫视记者:7月12日,菲律宾方面发表纪念南海仲裁案裁决出台8年声明。请问中方对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: On July 12, the Philippines released the Statement on the Eighth Anniversary of the 2016 Arbitral Award on the South China Sea. What’s your comment?林剑:菲律宾单方面提起南海仲裁案背信弃义。应菲方单方面请求建立的临时仲裁庭越权审理、枉法裁判,所作裁决非法、无效。菲方违背同中方通过双边协商谈判解决南海有关争议的共识,违反《南海各方行为宣言》有关由直接相关当事国通过协商谈判和平解决争议的规定,滥用《联合国海洋法公约》争端解决机制、无视中方所作排除性声明,执意对中方提起南海仲裁案,中方自始至终不接受、不参与。仲裁庭违背“国家同意”原则,严重违反《联合国海洋法公约》和一般国际法,有关裁决是非法的、无效的,没有拘束力。中国不接受、不承认有关裁决,不接受任何基于该裁决的主张和行动,中国在南海的主权和权益在任何情况下不受该裁决的影响。Lin Jian: The arbitration case was initiated by the Philippines unilaterally in breach of the Philippines’ own commitment to China. The matters raised in the case were beyond the scope of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal set up temporarily at the unilateral request of the Philippines. The tribunal, however, took the case anyway and delivered a ruling which is illegal, null and void. The Philippines breached the common understandings it had reached with China on resolving the disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral consultation and negotiation. The Philippines violated the article of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) which states that the disputes should be resolved by peaceful means through consultations and negotiations by sovereign States directly concerned. The Philippines abused the UNCLOS dispute settlement mechanism, ignored China’s declaration which, according to UNCLOS, excludes maritime delimitation from compulsory dispute settlement procedures, and insisted on initiating the arbitration. China has never accepted or taken part in the case. The arbitral tribunal violated the principle of state consent, and acted against UNCLOS and general international law. The award it rendered is illegal, null and void, and non-binding. China does not accept or recognize it, and will never accept any claim or action based on the award. China’s sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea are under no circumstances affected by the award.南海仲裁案本质上是一场披着法律外衣的政治闹剧。菲方不惜以牺牲中菲关系为代价,实际上已落入美西方国家的圈套和陷阱,为自己戴上枷锁,成为一些国家构建反华遏华“小圈子”的工具。菲方视裁决和《公约》为其在南海政策和行动的两大基石,但裁决本身又严重背离《公约》,这暴露出菲方立场的自相矛盾。菲方顽固坚持错误立场,死守裁决结果不放,只会让自己在错误的道路上越走越远。The South China Sea arbitration is essentially political circus dressed up as legal action. The Philippines let itself fall into the trap set by the US and some Western countries, be fettered, and become certain countries’ tool to gang up on China—all at the cost of the Philippines’ relations with China. The Philippines views the arbitral award and UNCLOS as the two cornerstones of its policy and action in the South China Sea. Yet the award is very much a deviation from UNCLOS, which means the Philippines has adopted a self-contradictory position. To cling to this position and the arbitral award will only get the Philippines farther and farther away from the right path.长期以来,从维护中菲双边关系和地区和平稳定的大局出发,中国一贯致力于在尊重历史事实和国际法的基础上,通过与菲律宾的直接谈判和友好协商解决有关争议。中方希望菲方恪守承诺,停止利用和炒作非法裁决,早日回到双边谈判解决争议的正确轨道上来。For a long period of time, in the interest of our overall bilateral ties with the Philippines and the peace and stability of the region, China has been committed to resolving relevant disputes with the Philippines through direct negotiation and friendly consultation on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. We hope the Philippine side will honor its commitments, stop citing and hyping up the illegal award and get back onto the right track of bilateral negotiation for the disputes at an early date.​《北京日报》记者:12日,全球共享发展行动论坛第二届高级别会议在北京开幕。发言人能否简要介绍会议相关情况?Beijing Daily: The Second High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development was held in Beijing on July 12. Could you share more about this?林剑:今天上午,由国家国际发展合作署主办的全球共享发展行动论坛第二届高级别会议在北京开幕。本届会议主题是“推动可持续发展:持续行动 共创未来”,旨在进一步凝聚全球发展共识,促进全球共同行动,携手共创美好未来。中共中央政治局委员、中央外办主任王毅出席会议并发表主旨演讲。110多个国家、30多个国际组织代表出席。Lin Jian: This morning, the Second High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development hosted by China International Development Cooperation Agency was held in Beijing. The theme of this year’s forum is “Promoting Sustainable Development: Continuous Actions for a Better Future.” The forum aims at further forging global consensus on development, promoting joint global action and joining hands to create a better future. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi attended the forum and gave a keynote speech. The forum attracted representatives from more than 110 countries and over 30 international organizations.王毅主任指出,习近平主席提出全球发展倡议近三年来,倡议合作不断走深走实,合作机制不断健全、合作成果日益丰硕。80多个国家加入“全球倡议之友小组”。“中国-非洲-联合国”三方合作示范中心揭牌成立。全球发展项目库总数超过1000个,已完成和正实施项目达500多个。全球发展专项资金不断扩容,全球发展和南南合作基金升级增资。中国政府还为发展中国家培训各类人才4万多名。Director Wang Yi pointed out that over the past three years since President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI), cooperation under the initiative has continued to deepen, with improving cooperation mechanisms and increasingly fruitful cooperation results. More than 80 countries have now joined the Group of Friends of the GDI. The China-Africa-United Nations Tripartite Cooperation Demonstration Center was established. There are more than 1,000 projects in Global Development Project Pool, with more than 500 projects completed or under construction. Special funds for global development have continued to expand, and the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund has been upgraded. The Chinese government has also trained more than 40,000 people for developing countries in various fields.王毅主任强调,当前世界动荡不安、变乱交织,大力推广落实全球发展倡议正当其时,大有可为。中国将着眼全球发展的长远目标,立足各国人民现实需要,以中国式现代化宝贵经验,锚定联合国2030年可持续发展目标,重聚发展共识;深化“全球南方”合作、促进南北对话,前置发展议程;加强各方发展战略对接,培育发展动能,进一步加强论坛建设,推动构建全球发展共同体。Director Wang Yi stressed that, in this world of turbulence and transformation, a lot can be achieved by implementing the GDI. China will focus on the long-term goal of global development, bear in mind the real needs of the people of all countries and share the experience of Chinese modernization for realizing the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and pooling development consensus. China will deepen Global South cooperation, promote North-South dialogue, prioritize development, form synergy among development strategies of all parties, and foster new development drivers, so as to improve the forum and promote the building of a global community of development.2022年,习近平主席宣布落实全球发展倡议的32项重大举措,举办全球共享发展行动论坛就是其中一项。去年,论坛首届高级别会议成功举行,发布《北京声明》,设立全球发展资金库、项目库,从中外金融机构筹集120亿美元专项资金落实全球发展倡议。今年会议将会产生更多成果、开展更深合作、造福各国人民。中方愿以落实全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议为引领,同各方一道推动世界走向和平、安全、繁荣、进步的光明前景。In 2022, President Xi Jinping announced 32 major initiatives to implement the GDI. Organizing the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development is one of them. Last year, the first high-level meeting of the forum was successfully held, and the Beijing Statement was issued to set up the Global Development Project Pool and Global Development Capital Pool, and mobilize US$12 billion in special funds from Chinese and foreign financial institutions for the implementation of the GDI. This year’s meeting will bring more fruits, deeper cooperation and benefits for all peoples. China will leverage the GDI, GSI and GCI to work with all parties for a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress.塔斯社记者:昨天,俄罗斯总统普京提出成立金砖国家议会的构想。外交部对此有何评论?TASS: Russia’s President Putin yesterday put forward the idea of a BRICS parliamentary organization. What’s the Foreign Ministry’s comment?林剑:我不掌握相关的情况。Lin Jian: I do not have information on that.​总台华语环球节目中心记者:7月10日,美国国务卿布林肯在北约公共论坛上称,一方面,美国正在国内进行投资,以确保美能从实力地位出发同中国接触。另一方面,美国重新激活了盟友伙伴关系,北约、欧盟和欧洲主要国家在如何与中国打交道的问题上与美国越来越趋于一致。请问中方对此有何评论?CCTV: On July 10, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at the 2024 NATO Public Forum that “we are making the investments in ourselves at home to make sure that we’re approaching China from a position of domestic strength.” As the US re-energizes its alliances and partnerships with NATO, the EU and major European countries, it is abundantly clear that they have more convergence now when it comes to how to approach China. What’s China’s comment?林剑:美国反复声称要从所谓“实力地位出发”同中国打交道,反映出美国的傲慢和霸道。这个世界没有高人一等的国家,也不该有以强凌弱的权力。妄想增强所谓实力地位来欺压他国不符合时代潮流,也得不到国际社会支持。Lin Jian: The US has vowed time and again to deal with China from the so-called “position of strength.” The phrase reflects how arrogant and domineering the US is. In our world, no country is superior to another, and no one has the right to bully others. Any country who thinks they can bully others by strengthening their “position of strength” will be acting against the trend of the times. And they will certainly not be supported by the international community.国家间交往合作应有助于增进国家间的相互理解与信任,而不是搞封闭排他的“小圈子”,针对第三方或损害第三方利益。美方应把不要求别国选边站队的表态落到实处,不要拉帮结派,损害别国利益。Exchange and cooperation between countries should contribute to the mutual understanding and trust between other countries, and should not be about forming exclusive clubs that target or harm third party’s interests. The US made a commitment of not asking other countries to pick sides—it should act accordingly instead of ganging up and hurting other countries’ interests.中方始终坚持以相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的原则看待和处理中美关系。希望美方同中方相向而行,树立正确对华认知,停止搞零和博弈和大国竞争,多做有助于中美关系稳定、健康、可持续发展的事,而不是相反。China views and handles its relations with the US based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. We hope the US will work with China in the same direction, form the right perception of China, stop zero-sum game and major-country competition, and contribute to the stable, sound and sustainable growth of bilateral relations, instead of doing the opposite.俄新社记者:据《每日电讯报》昨日报道,中国正在塔吉克斯坦距离阿富汗边境不远处建设一个秘密军事基地。中方对此有何评论?RIA Novosti: The Telegraph newspaper reported yesterday that China is constructing a secret military base in Tajikistan not far from the border of Afghanistan. Could you please comment on this report?林剑:我不掌握你提到的情况,但可以肯定地告诉你,中方一贯奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,在中亚没有任何军事基地。Lin Jian: I am not aware of what you mentioned, but I can tell you with full confidence that China is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and has no military base in Central Asia.《北京青年报》记者:据报道,日本首相岸田文雄10日与韩国总统尹锡悦举行会谈。双方希望日韩两国能与北约成员国和盟友保持密切合作,共同发出北大西洋安全离不开东北亚安全的信号。岸田称,华盛顿峰会将推动北约与“印太地区伙伴”的合作进一步加深。我们还注意到,美国副国务卿坎贝尔称,美国希望北约与日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰等四个“印太伙伴”进行合作,使其制度化。请问中方对此有何评论?Beijing Youth Daily: According to reports, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with ROK President Yoon Suk Yeol on July 10. Both sides hope that Japan and the ROK can maintain close cooperation with NATO member states and allies, and sent signals that North Atlantic security cannot be separated with Northeast Asian security. Prime Minister Kishida said the Washington Summit will deepen the cooperation between NATO and the IP4. We also noted that US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said the US hopes to institutionalize cooperation between NATO and the IP4, namely Japan, the ROK, Australia and New Zealand. What’s China’s comment?林剑:以美国为首的北约作为冷战遗存和全球最大的军事集团,一边声称自己是区域性、防御性组织,一边不断渲染地区紧张局势,制造阵营对抗,为加强与亚太地区国家勾连寻找借口,已引起地区国家高度警觉。Lin Jian: The US-led NATO, as a Cold War vestige and the world’s largest military bloc, claims to be a regional defensive alliance but keeps hyping up regional tensions, inciting bloc confrontation, and creating pretexts to engage Asia-Pacific countries. This has sounded the alarm for regional countries.东北亚地区曾饱受战争的摧残,历经军事对峙和阵营对抗,深知和平共处、团结合作、合作共赢的珍贵。包括东北亚在内,当前亚太地区和平合作、稳定繁荣的局面,得益于地区国家的共同努力。亚太不需要军事集团,更不需要大国对抗和鼓动新冷战的“小圈子”。我们希望地区国家坚守亚太合作正道,为维护和促进本地区与世界的和平稳定及发展繁荣发挥建设性作用,不要充当北约亚太化的“急先锋”。Northeast Asia was once ravaged by war, and suffered from military and bloc confrontation. It cherishes peaceful coexistence, solidarity, and mutually beneficial cooperation. The peace, cooperation, stability and prosperity we see today in the Asia-Pacific, including Northeast Asia, is a result of the joint efforts of regional countries. The Asia-Pacific does not need military blocs, still less major-country confrontation or clubs of countries pushing for a new Cold War. We hope regional countries will stay committed to the path of Asia-Pacific cooperation, and play a constructive role in upholding and promoting peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region and around the globe, rather than spearheading NATO’s extension into the Asia-Pacific.​


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